Why The Yoga Culture Is On The Rise

By Annabelle Holman

Over the past centuries it is gaining more popularity. Culture can be defined as a way of life accepted by a group of people as the appropriate and right way to live. Yoga culture is a form of mind exercise that tries to join together the mind and the body. More people are realizing the benefits of this philosophy. It is very effective as it works through controlling the nervous system which controls our health.

The history of this way of life goes way back. It started in India and was popularized by Buddhism and Jainism around five thousand years ago . It stands on three pillars, the first being good exercise, controlled breathing and a way of meditation. This old time practise is normally transmitted in the guru chela tradition. There is a teacher known as guru who passes knowledge and understanding to a student known as chela.

Classified under a type or form of a physical exercise and a philosophy. A philosophy is more than a theory as it contains more proof and less criticism. Kindly note that although it has a religious foundation it is not categorised as one. With time it lets the body repair and prevent some diseases especially the ones associated with the nervous system. The student is able to learn how to control the bodily desires too.

More people are taking it up for different reasons. It is beneficial to a person as it may enable them to learn how to concentrate and meet a certain objective. Through this patience is learnt. Its useful in controlling the desires of the human body. Through meditation the student can reach a self actualisation stage.

In the field of medicine. It helps in the treatment of alcohol and other drug addictions. Helps in the reduction of stress and depression. Elimination of sleep disorders and in the reduction of pain caused by cancer. It has been found to be beneficiary to people with digestive disorders as it helps to relax the muscles.

For people who want to maintain a level of physical fitness. This is a good sport. It helps to control breathing by exercising lungs, it also maintain muscle fitness and a good body posture and weight. This is also a form of empowerment and self recognition which grows with time.

This practise has different schools which have a specific goal. Most of them have separated the human form into three with five important sheets. The epic center is the spinal cord and the diaphragm, this is where the person draws up energy. Jainism is a school that enables the person to control his thoughts and thus focus on nothing else but the soul.

Buddism is also another school that concentrates on attaining knowledge. Hinduism focuses on enabling the student to reach a critical stage of separating the mind from any form of emotions. Some students who have mastered the art can feel pain and withstand it as they have learnt that their emotions can be controlled. The opposite of hinduism is the shavaism which unites the body with the entire universe. Although this practise is beneficial to everyone, expectant mothers and young children are advised to stay away from it.

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