People Practicing Yoga In Temple TX Feel Better About Themselves

By Annabelle Holman

The desire to improve one and to strive towards self fulfillment is one of the biggest trends of modern society. There is a myriad of books on the subject and thousands of internet sites are devoted to help people towards personal growth. Wellness coaches are in high demand and there are countless philosophies and theories on how to achieve growth and find happiness. Followers of yoga in Temple TX maintain that they have experienced this discipline as the best possible way in which to grow.

Also known as Asana, this discipline is often misunderstood. Many people see it as rituals that are performed as part of a religion. Others think that it is merely a series of low impact exercises and some people even think that it is a mystic discipline performed by people following new age philosophies. None of this is strictly true. Asana simply aims to help practitioners to improve their spirits, minds and their bodies.

Nobody knows where Asana comes from. There are records showing that it has been practiced in one form or another for many millennia in the east. What is known is that Vivekananda, a Hindu, was the one to introduce it to western societies. It became popular and even fashionable straight away. In fact, its popularity just kept growing and today it is practiced by many millions of people all over the globe.

It is true that the foundation of Asana consist of a large number of specific poses and stretching exercises. These exercises and poses are not the sum total of the discipline, however. They serve as tools that can be used by the teacher to demonstrate a large variety of spiritual principles. Of course, the exercises also aim to increase the strength and flexibility of the student.

Students of Asana enjoy many benefits. The low impact exercises promote fitness and flexibility and can even be effective as part of a diet aimed at losing weight. Students are never under pressure to learn new techniques or moves. Everyone progress at the pace that they feel they can manage. There are no competitions either. Everybody can practice Asana, even people with physical disabilities.

There are many other benefits to be had by practicing Asana. In fact, numerous scientific studies have found that it is extremely beneficial for people suffering from asthma and many forms of chronic pain. It has even been proved that cancer victims benefit. On a psychological level Asana has been beneficial for people suffering from disorders such as depression and anxiety. That is why so many therapists encourage their patients to take up this discipline.

There are many self help books on Asana and it is therefore very easy to start. There are also excellent websites that teaches the various exercises and poses. Some websites feature high quality instructional videos that not only teach the various physical exercises, but also the spiritual principles underlying the various poses. Many people prefer to join a formal class, but not everyone can afford it.

It is clear why millions of people all over the world practice yoga. There are numerous benefits and almost no chance of sustaining an injury. Everybody can do it and it is therefore ideal as a family activity. Best of all, it does not cost a lot of money and it can be practices anywhere.

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