Doing Yoga at Home

By Sienna Nalin

So you do not want to go to a yoga studio or pay the money to do yoga and are questioning how to yoga at home and get yoga fit. Well here are a few steps to get you started doing yoga at home. If you do not know any yoga routines feel free to look up a yoga video online to get you started on your spiritual journey of meditation and bettering your health.

Find a spot - Make sure that you find a good spot somewhere in your house that you can do yoga at one a daily basis. Make this you designated spot.

Think outside the box. If your hallway, bathroom, or front entry provides the best space, use it. Just be sure and pick a spot in your house that is quiet, has natural lighting, and provides adequate space. Clear out any unnecessary clutter within two to four feet around your yoga mat. If you prefer, enhance your special space with music, or light a stick of myInsens. Do whatever it takes to make the space inviting.

Schedule in your yoga time - Be consist with your yoga and make sure you have a scheduled time for it. You do not want to start off good and then do yoga here and there. In order to be stress free you must maintain your scheduled yoga time at the same convenient time every day.

Be consistent with your yoga at home. Do not decide to postpone your yoga to a later time just because you are doing it at home now. Be respectful of the time that you set forth for it. If you were going to a yoga studio would you arrive late? No, you wouldn't, so why start the habit in your own home.

Time you yoga - With doing yoga at home, you have to be your own strict instructor. That means making sure that you have a set amount of time to do yoga and you stick to it each time you do yoga. Do not just think that since you are doing yoga at home that you can stop 20 minutes into your hour long routine.

...Additional information at No Yoga Class? No Problem. 3 Ways to Successfully Practice at Home

Fellow yogis with very busy schedules and budgeting yogis, I hope this will help you begin your journey of doing yoga at home so that it is more convenient for you. This should alleviate some stress too.

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