About Kundalini Facts

By Jack D. Cudjoe

The sure shot method for awakening of the kundalini. Before we discuss about kundalini awakening... we need to understand its meaning. The Shakti is that hidden positive energy stored in every human being by awakening which every human being can reach the level of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed.The awakening is possible by practicing the right Yoga and meditation. In the normal circumstances this awakening is supposed to happen within a period of 11 million manifestations in the form of a human being. A serious seeker of spirituality always desires this type of awakening at the earliest. Why?

This awakening is a hundred percent must before one can gain enlightenment in this life.Apart from practicing the Shavasana pose in Yoga and also Neti as advocated by Maharishi Ramana... one needs to practice absolute celibacy for this type of awakening to occur.This awakening is not something which can be taught in form of books... it only comes from experience. As we proceed on the path of pure spirituality while practicing absolute celibacy and meditation... we shall find one-day that our kundalini awakening has occurred.

There are many differing ways for it to awaken and rise. Probably the rarest is when it rises directly to the crown of the head Sahasrahara chakra. For such a rising of it to take place a great deal of 'purification' must already have taken place, as spiritual practice in the current or other lives. Unfortunately this is often how it's awakening is thought of, and without proper understanding seems highly desirable. More commonly the process takes many many years, and may not even complete in the same lifetime that the rising began. In such an instance the process will begin again and continue in another life, sometimes beginning as early as childhood.Ideally a person has a well-established and integrated spiritual practice prior to, and initiating kundalini awakening and rising. Even more ideally they have the guidance and protection of a Sat Guru or perfect master. If not, my advice would be to find one, and satisfy yourself that they are indeed a fully liberated being. Each individual experiences this opening in a unique way according to the karmic content of their unconscious. There are lots of common experiences, but each person moves into this awakening on a path of their own. Only a perfect master will be in a position to help guide someone with a kundalini rising.

This elevator... the shortcut is the path which can be awakened by preserving the cosmic energy provided to every human being every month. As the stored energy increases... so does the journey expedite?Every true seeker of spirituality has to one-day switchover to the recourse of it's awakening for the normal path may take millions of manifestations... a long journey indeed!As the Shakti raises from the base of the spine towards the centre of the forehead... one shall experience very fearful flashes. It is really frightening sometimes as this awakening is accompanied by the shadow of a mammoth king cobra with many heads glaring at you from a short distance.The coiled Serpentine kundalini Shakti has been compared to the power which one experiences while watching a coiled snake coming out of slumber. It is too frightening an experience and many seekers of spirituality leave their journey midway.

Yogic texts elaborate how the it's piercing the different consciousness centers (chakras/cakras), can equip the practitioner with siddhis (powers) such as, clairvoyance, the ability to see the past and future, and perceive the existence of subtle planes of existence (among the least dramatic). The vivid and colorful descriptions of the siddhis can be another misguided motivator to pursue awakening the kundalini, in fact these can be quite an unhelpful diversion. When the it reaches Sahasrahara, and the entire system is 'purified' the human spiritual journey is complete as nothing now remains to create the illusion of separation from the Divine and True Nature. This final condition, when all vasanas, samskaras and karmas have been dissolved, is the state known as Moksha. Moksha is then the condition of complete liberation. This differs from enlightenment which begins with the end of identification with mind and reaches it's final conclusion only with Moksha. Until Moksha is attained, the 'enlightened' can still become once more identified with mind, it's vasanas, samskaras and karmas.

Unfortunately, this 'perfect' scenario is rarely in place when it strikes. Everybody has challenges on various levels of their life and these challenges will be amplified together with the positive aspects of the it's awakening. As a result, we may find ourselves with an array of weird symptoms, challenging emotions and confusing perceptions. When it effects our physcial body we may experiences the so-called kriyas - involuntary body movements which can be disconcerting, embarrassing or even painful.What's worse, everybody has an unconscious mind and kundalini is like a massive force that tears down the barriers to our unconsciousness. As a result, painful memories may come up - and even worse - our carefully suppressed antisocial drives may also come to the surface, for example, megalomaniac thoughts, racist or sexist thoughts, inappropriate sexual urges and violent impulses. For someone who is unprepared, this onslaught of our unconscious nature can be too much to bear. It may wreak havoc with their relationships and it may make them feel as if they live in some sort of hell.How to deal with symptoms of kundalini.

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