The Difference Between A Simple Bad Mood And Depression

By Paulette Mason

Like most people, you may have had many instances where you wake up feeling angry or incredibly sad. A high frequency of this does not particularly mean that you have depression in Nassau County, NY, though. Therefore before you self-diagnose, make sure you properly inform yourself of whether your symptoms constitute this mental illness or if you're merely experiencing a bad mood.

Minor triggers like a rainy day can cause someone to experience a negative mood shift for the remainder of his or her day. This mood might seem like it is part of a larger problem, due to the seemingly illogical reaction to something as small like the weather. However, it is hard to say confidently that this is a definite sign of a distressful mental illness.

Everyone experiences bad or moody days. Around one third of the population is said to have short lasting episodes of sadness like this. Diagnosing mental illness only comes into play when these triggers causes a person's quality of life to be diminished greatly.

People with this mental illness may not be able to handle minor issues that everyone experiences frequently. These include negative events such as academic failures, relationship struggles, or something as small as a missed bus. An individual with a serious problem may end up feeling helpless and overwhelmed with minor setbacks like these. While mentally healthy people could bounce back and go about their business from these daily problems, someone with this illness would not be able to adapt to the situation and may go down in a tail spin.

Once you begin to believe that you can't do something, you can be sure you won't be able to do it even if you tried. Everything starts from the mind, and if yours keeps telling you that you will fail, that you don't deserve better, or that you are unworthy of life itself; you need to seek help. No human deserves to go through life always struggling and being in a constant state of desolation and desperation.

One type of this mental problem is focal. It is based on a major event that triggers your distress, such as the death of a loved one or a physical accident that left you very injured. Dealing with these types of pains can lead one to lose his or her motivation to live with the damages. It's much advised that you seek help to guide you through this stage in life.

The more serious cause of this illness can be ambiguous, as one may not have experienced any sort of immense trauma in his or her past. These underlying causes aren't very obvious such as childhood traumas. Most times, one does not remember the specific reasons at all, or how the issues started.

Your brain has a way of self-preservation where it buries a challenging problem deep down so that you don't have to deal with it. It is a survival method the brain uses so that you don't have to go through an emotionally detrimental ordeal. These methods, however, can lead to the more serious issues that underlie your mental distress.

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