The Definitive Guide to Slow Carb Weight Loss

I am not the inventor of the slow carb diet and I am not a doctor. I am someone who has been struggling with weight loss for about 2 years. Weighing more than I wanted to and having trouble losing it. Discovering the "Slow Carb" diet was a miraculous breakthrough for me. What I discovered was not some new trend. Studying the mechanics of the slow carb diet did not give me the, "Oh I'd never thought about that before," feeling. It gave me several "aha" moments. It wasn't anything new, it was a compilation of common sense put into practice. Here is a look into my implementation of "slow carb" dieting.
First, I think this is better called, "common sense dieting". When you read what it consists of you'll find that it really does just make sense.
The #1 Key I Have Found To Successful Dieting is KNOWLEDGE. If you want to lose weight, do not go out and run a mile per day. You will quit, probably after 1 day. If you want to lose weight, learn the science and thermodynamics that factor in to weight loss. Once I began to READ, I began to successfully lose weight. Understanding YOU, and what YOU want is the the first step. I defined my weight loss goals first, researched on the internet to find out how to reach them, talked to friends who were into fitness, and then decided how I would lose weight.
So onto the "Slow Carb" method. The simple fact of it is, "If you follow this diet, you WILL lose weight QUICKLY".
Part One: What you SHOULD eat!
Lean Animal Protein: 
  • Chicken: I prefer boneless, skinless chicken breasts.
  • Pork: I buy packages of thin cut pork chops, usually 4-6 per package.
  • Grass Fed Organic Beef: I recommend consulting your local butcher (call them?)
  • Egg Whites: I buy the small cartons of pourable egg whites. Usually in the fridge near the milk at the grocery.
  • Sea Food
  • Other: There are plenty of meats comparable to these and even more lean. Bison is very good. An Aussie friend of mine said that Kangaroo is the best source he has ever seen. Typically the rest of the lean animal proteins like these are very expensive. Chicken, pork, grass fed beef, and egg withes are all economically friendly!

  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Onion
  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Mixed Vegetables
  • Celery: The hardest one to get used to
  • If you don't like Veggies, learn to. Most people who dislike eating vegetables are just conditioned to because of their childhood. Learn ABOUT vegetables, how they are grown, different ways to prepare them. Don't think Salad, think 100s of different ways to throw together vegetables and other things to make delicious meals and snacks. Add peppers, herbs, spices, dressings, oils, vinegars, etc to make your salads into delicious, exclusive dishes.

  • Pinto Beans
  • Black Beans
  • Lentills
  • Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, etc
  • Incorporating more Legumes is an important part of the diet. Legumes are LOW in fat but still calorically dense. 1/2 cup of spinach is about 30 calories. 1/2 cup of rice is about 250. This is why when people try and diet by just eating salads they will get headaches, feel sick, and quit. Add in MORE legumes right off the beat to keep your caloric load high enough. I just buy canned beans, whatever nuts, and dry lentills in bags. Find what preparation you like and stick with it.

These 3 food groups should be nearly your entire diet. Pick 5 or so meals that you like and eat them over and over again. Switch meals each week to avoid burn out.
Part Two: What you SHOULDN'T eat
"If you avoid eating anything white, you'll be safe", says New York Times Bestseller Tim Ferriss. Those you will find are words to live by. As such do not eat any of the following: 
  • Rice
  • Cereal
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Potatoes
  • Fried Food with breading

Do not fall into the trap of, "whole grain" things. While they are marginally better for you, they are still not to be eaten. Whole Grain Pasta, rice, cereal, and bread are all on the do not eat category.
You will find, that this is TOUGH. This was hands down the hardest part of the diet for me. I have packed myself with white carbohydrates for years and now all of the sudden I can't have any! It sucks!
The tunnel is not all dark
You may eat any of the above, in reasonable portion, within an hour and a half of a resistance training workout that was at least 20 minutes long.
It is not ideal on this diet! I eat a grapefruit with some egg whites and spinach in the morning for breakfast. Apart from that I do not eat any fruit.
The problem with fruit is that it has a lot of sugar in it, thus a high Glycemic Index. All the glucose from sugar can easily turn into fat. So it isn't safe to eat as this diet is specifically for fat loss. If you have to have fruit eat it early in the morning. But it's best to avoid it.
Avoid Drinking Calories!
Drink copious amounts of water. Water has no calories
Any of the following are good also 
  • Tea
  • Unsweetened Iced Tea
  • Diet Soda
  • Coffee: no cream, no sugar

Avoid gatorade, normal soda, milk, juice, etc.
Drinking wine is a GREAT habit. There is no argument that having 1-2 alcoholic beverages per day is a great habit to have. There are tons of positive health benefits. Note: The Health Benefits End At 3 Drinks And Become Negative. Red wine is also a great source of resveratrol which is one of the top weight loss supplements that you can buy today. Red wine is the most common natural source. Additionally, some researchers say that resveratrol is best absorbed in the mouth. When you drink wine you generally hold it in you mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. Making the entire process an effective addition to your diet.
My recommendation: Drink 1-2 glasses of red wine in the evening 1-2 hours before bed.
Simple Variety:
Eat the same couple of meals over and over again on your diet days. This is the most successful approach to dieting.
Whenever possible I like to prepare my meals for Tuesday on Monday night, etc. By planning your meals BEFORE they happen you can control your food intake. Eat heartily on this diet though. By sticking to the 3 main food groups you can eat as much as you like and still lose weight. It is important to take in enough calorious right off the bat to curb the change in diet.
Have 4-5 meals that you eat over and over again and then change it up every few weeks. This is difficult to do but consider what you are getting in return for this sacrifice. A healthy, happy life.
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Your Off Day
Take one day per week off from dieting. Not only that, on your off day go out of your way to eat junk. Pack in white carbs, eat candy, ice cream, drink pop, have waffles for breakfast. Eat so much crap that you don't even want to look at it for a weak.
There are a few reasons we do this but the main and most important one is this:
Spiking your calorie intake once per week like this helps to keep your metabolic rate up and actually AIDS in FAT LOSS. This is heavan if I know it. I will say that again.
Spiking your calorie intake once per week like this helps to keep your metabolic rate up and actually AIDS in FAT LOSS.
Eat Junk and Lose Weight.
In addition to the weight loss benefit. Doing this once per week keeps us sane and allows us to follow a very strict diet the other 6 days. I use saturdays as my day off
Final Tips:
Begin every day with a large glass of ice water
When first starting this diet you will have some ailments the first few days. Headaches are common when switching to a slow carb diet. See Atkins Flu. This will only last up until your first GO CRAZY day normally. For me it only lasted about 2 days.
It is easy to not get enough calories with this diet. Make sure you eat enough
Focus on ONLY your diet. Do not worry about exercise for the first 3 weeks.
Have a set sleeping routine. It doesn't matter what it is. Just sleep at roughly the same time every day for 7-9 hours.
View each Off Day as the light at the end of the tunnel. Work very hard during the week to be insanely strict and then reward yourself generously at the end of the week with your splurge day.
Try this for 2-3 months. You will have great results.
Communicate with me through the comments/email, I am going through this diet right now and still have a long road ahead of me. I would love to have some people on board with me sharing experience and helping to keep each other motivated.
To A Happy, Healthy, Life.
Jordan Laubaugh

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