Low Carb Diet Weight Loss - Is the Low Carb Diet More Suitable For the Obese?

There are countless number of different diets that people can use to lose weight. The truth is that most of them are junk and don't work at all. So choosing the right kind of diet that helps you lose weight and more importantly keep it off, is essential. Although low carb diets are certainly not suitable for everyone, but if you are seriously overweight and have over 50 pounds to lose, then a low carb diet might work very well for you.
Low carb diet weight loss
We all know that carbohydrates provide energy for the body and if they are in excess, like everything else, then they will be stored as fat. It is also clear that a high carbohydrate intake, that does not include high fiber foods, but does include simple and refined carbohydrates, causes the chronic release of insulin.
A chronic insulin level inhibits hormone sensitive lipase, the enzyme that behaves like a gatekeeper allowing fatty acids to flow out of the fat cells. But at the same time elevated insulin levels also kick up levels of lipoprotein lipase another such enzyme that has gate keeper qualities. And these gatekeepers welcome fatty acids into your fat cells, making you fatter. Insulin is also a appetite stimulant and it increases the cravings for food. This fat storing and appetite stimulating effect is magnified by heavier individuals. Research has shown that an obese person, eating 40 grams of carbs, will secrete more insulin than a lean person, eating the same amount of carbs.
By reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein levels in the diet, means that your body has to spend a lot more energy to break down protein than carbohydrates. The more energy your body has to spend to break down protein, means the more calories you burn. Of course the danger of very low carb diets, is the lack of energy, since we get most of our energy from carbohydrates. So staying on a very low carbohydrate diet for long periods, is really impossible. Never go too far with low carb diets.
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