How To Keep Losing Weight After Master Cleanse

The Master Cleanse is a fast way to lose weight. The problem that most people who do the cleanse experience is their weight loss stops or they hit a weight loss plateau within a few weeks.
There are ways to keep losing weight after working through a Master Cleanse and this article will show you how to use a day of overeating, brief exercise, and a simple natural ingredient to get your body back in fat burning mode.
3 Simple Tricks to Keep Losing Weight After Master Cleanse
These tricks are used to combat the drop in a hormone called leptin that results when you take in fewer calories during a diet such as the Master Cleanse diet.
Your body does not look at fat the same way you do. In fact, your body likes fat and tries to protect your fat stores to protect against starvation. If you drastically reduce your calorie intake on a diet such as the Master Cleanse, your body sees this as a danger and slams the brakes on your fat-burning hormones.
The key fat-burning hormone of your body is called leptin and this hormone controls all of the other weight loss hormones in your body. Leptin's main job is to protect you from starving so when your calories drop, so does your leptin level. In fact, leptin can drop as much as 50% after one week on the Master Cleanse diet. That means your body is only operating at half of its fat burning potential.
If leptin is low you can struggle to even lose one pound. The solution is to convince your body that it is not starving and needs to keep leptin high.
Here is how to keep leptin high and keep burning fat:
1. Overfeed one day a week. In other words, you want to cheat on your diet one day each week. Research has shown that one day of overfeeding is enough to restore fat-burning leptin levels to their near normal levels.
Of course, if you over do your cheat day or drag your cheat day into two or more days, your body will convert the extra calories to fat. But, if you take one day a week out of your diet to add an additional 1,000 calories or more you will reap the benefits of higher leptin levels without giving your body time to lay down fat.
2. High Intensity Interval Training. Exercise will improve your body's leptin sensitivity. In other words, your body will be able to use all of the leptin your body has to offer. And, the improvement in leptin sensitivity is dramatic. When you utilize high intensity interval training you alternate between brief periods of high intensity exercise and periods of low intensity exercise.
For example, if you are on a treadmill you can walk to warm-up for a few minutes then alternated between a minute of walking, a minute of jogging, and a minute of running. Do this for about 20 minutes and you have completed a fat-burning exercise routine that will benefit you all day long.
3. Take Irvingia Gabonensis. This compound is extracted from the African mango seed and is the ideal ingredient to boost leptin sensitivity. Irvingia has been shown in research to have a dramatic effect on weight loss.
For example, A research study on over 100 otherwise-healthy overweight individuals showed that those who received 150 mg of Irvingia extract twice daily prior to meals over a 10 week period lost an average of 28 pounds. These same individuals also shed 6.7 inches from their waistlines. And I should mention that these astonishing results were achieved with no other changes to their diet or exercise routine.
If you have been on the Master Cleanse diet and you do not want to waste the results you have worked so hard for, then you need to follow these three tips to keep losing weight after the Master Cleanse ends. First, add a cheat day to your diet week. Second, add some high intensity interval training to your week. And lastly, take Irvingia Gabonensis to boost leptin sensitivity and keep the pounds coming off.
But what if I told you there is an even easier way to keep leptin levels high and increase your leptin sensitivity at the same time?
Is that something you might be interested in?
You see, if you could do that, you could essentially keep your body in a fat-burning state 24/7... high leptin levels + high leptin sensitivity = high levels of fat burning
Fortunately there is a drop-dead simple way to get your fat-burning hormones working for you. Discover the Powerful Fat-Burning Tricks by clicking the link.
To learn more about how to get the same dose of Irvingia Gabonensis that was used in the study above, visit the Powerful Fat-Burning Tricks link.

Fast Weight Loss Dieting - Shouldn't I Just Decrease My Calorie Intake To Lose Weight Fast?

Speed. That's typically the first word that comes to the minds of many who are looking to get in shape. Fast weight loss dieting is something that many want to do, but don't really understand what truly will work quickly... WITHOUT the negative consequences.
That being said, one of the most common approaches to lose weight fast is to simply decrease your calorie intake. The theory is very straightforward: If you eat X amount of calories a day and you are either gaining weight or maintaining weight, then simply reduce your calorie intake by X amount, and you'll get amazing results. Although the numbers game here makes sense, it's not as straightforward as it may seem.
The reason why is very simple: It is highly recommended that you DO NOT solely focus on losing weight fast simply by decreasing your calorie intake simply because WHAT and HOW you eat is more important than HOW MUCH you eat.
You see, you could just decrease your calorie intake and eat nothing but an unhealthy lunch each day (such as 4 slices of pizza and some fries) to reach your total daily calorie intake requirement. Doing this may equal the total amount of calories you need as far as NUMBERS are concerned for you to lose weight, but you are doing your body a major disservice. What will end up happening is you'll suffer from a mountain of problems (a slower metabolism, digestive issues, more body fat, a loss of energy, and more)!
The primary focus should always be on what it is you are eating and how you are eating as opposed to how much you are eating. This is not to say that you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight. You still do need to eat a little less than you normally would if you want to lose weight, but the point I'm trying to make is that strictly focusing on decreasing your calorie intake is not going to get you the results you want.
Now, to explain the WHAT and the HOW...
The WHAT means eating the right types of nutrients (such as foods high in antioxidants, healthy fats, healthy carbs, protein, vitamins, and minerals). The HOW means eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, eating slower, not eating bad foods late at night, ALWAYS eating breakfast every morning, etc.
So, to answer the question of if you should simply just decrease your calorie intake to drop those pounds quickly, as you can see from the above, this is definitely not a good idea. Focus more on what it is you are eating and how you are eating and you'll not only drop pounds quickly, you'll also improve your overall health as well... PERMANENTLY!
ATTENTION Anyone who is sick of failing their weight loss goals:
Want to discover my top 18 weight loss secrets to lose weight fast... WITHOUT fad dieting, diet pills, or dangerous methods? Click HERE and I'll give you this special report... 100% FREE!

The 500 Calorie Diet - Diets For Quick Weight Loss

Engaging in diets for quick weight loss can be very dangerous. But, if you don't mind taking risks with your health, the 500 calorie diet might be right for you. Keep in mind, that even when considering diets for quick weight loss, the 500 calorie diet is a very extreme form of dieting. Even so, it tends to be extremely popular.
The reason for the popularity, obviously, is that you will lose weight quickly. Low-calorie diets abound among people who are looking for quick weight loss. But even among those low-calorie diets, 500 calories per day is at the low end of the spectrum.
First, for a definition...For a diet to be considered low calorie, the arbitrary cutoff point is 1200 calories per day. Anything below that is considered to be a low-calorie diet. Clearly the whole idea of a low-calorie diet is to lose weight quickly, but again - it can be quite dangerous so it should always be thoroughly planned with a nutritionist or your family doctor.
It's well known that the best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat. You can do this by burning more, or by eating less. Your body needs a certain number of calories just to exist. If you're not eating enough, the theory is that your energy needs will be taken from the fat calories in your body.
The problem is, our body is very smart. It won't just keep burning the same number of calories and taking the excess from fat. Your body doesn't know that you are on a diet. It will think you're starving. To help keep you alive, it will cut way back on the number of calories that uses. To do this it will slow down your metabolic rate and will start eating away at your muscle mass - to get it's needed calories.
Over a long-term, this is disastrous. Your muscles burn far more calories than your fat, so if you lose them, it not only has a bad effect on your body but it also affects your ability to keep weight off in the future. The 500 calorie diet, as one of the diets for quick weight loss - works... but only for a short term.
The negative effects can vary depending on your body type, height, activity level, overall health and gender. 500 calories per day may be sufficient for some people for a short while.
For the vast majority of us, especially if we are carrying extra weight, eating only 500 calories per day is literally starving our bodies. Most likely, you've been taking in 2000 to 5000 (or more) calories per day and suddenly dropping to 500 will immediately move your body into starvation mode. So, your metabolism slows way down in order to conserve energy.
Our bodies are quite adaptable. In a very short time you will learn to survive on 500 calories per day. (At least until you run out of calories to burn...then you'll go into a coma and die.)
Thankfully, the majority of us discontinue our dieting before that happens. As soon as your diet is over, and you go back to your old eating habits - like we all do - you will have a sudden gain in weight. Actually, you'll gain more weight than you would have, had you not ever gone on a diet to begin with. Diets for quick weight loss just don't work. Plus, since you have lost so much muscle mass, it makes it much harder to maintain your weight in the future.
The most effective method of determining a healthy, livable daily calorie level, is by using a BMR/AMR calculator. It will tell you how many calories are necessary to support your health and your lifestyle. Once you know how many calories you need to maintain your weight, then you can subtract 500 calories per day, and you have one of the ideal diets for quick weight loss success.
Obviously, the mass and body size of women is dramatically different than that of men. That means, they need a different number of calories to survive. While the average man may eat 1500 to 1600 calories per day, the average woman may eat only 1200 to 1300 calories per day. You must consult your physician before starting any diet, safety has to come first.
So, to wrap it up... in the realm of diets for quick weight loss, the 500 calorie per day diet is very popular. It will work to help you lose weight, but it can be very dangerous - And your weight loss is only temporary at best. You should never cut back that dramatically on your calories without the constant monitoring and supervision of a doctor.
To get your FREE copy of my "Fast Weight Loss Tips!" mini-course, and to learn more about the best ways to lose weight, check out my website right now.
Diets For Quick Weight Loss  - The 500 Calorie Diet, is very popular but is only one - and not the safest - of the MANY ways to lose weight. I've done TONS of weight loss research and have put the best of the best tips, methods and tactics 

Best Aerobic Exercise For Weight Loss

Aerobic exercise is one of the keys to significant and lasting weight loss. If you are knew to exercise, you should start out slow with a low impact cardio machine such as the stationary bike or the rowing machine.
If you are a little more advanced in your exercise and want to jump start your weight loss you should choose aerobic exercises that burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Taking a high intensity cardio class is a great way to burn a lot of calories (700+ an hour) and to stay motivated. Joining a local gym will be one of the best ways to find classes and machines that will help you to lose weight quickly.
Running on the treadmill or moving on the elliptical machine are both proven ways to burn a lot of calories in a shorter amount of time. The elliptical machine is low impact and will get your heart rate up while helping you to shed pounds.
If you do not have access to a gym membership consider renting or buying exercise DVDs that are similar to group gym classes such as kick boxing or high impact dancing. You could also invest in a great pair of running shoes and take to running on your road or at your local park. You could also run on a track at your local public school or run up and down stairs for the best cardio workout.
To see results you will need to exercise at least four to five times a week doing at least 45 minutes of cardio. If you want quicker results consider adding strength training to your regime. You should start seeing results in about four weeks.
If you want to see results faster than four weeks you will need to alter your diet as well. Simply exercising is half the battle for permanent and fast weight loss. Many diet programs only set you up to fail, that is why as a personal trainer I recommend a program that is easy and fail proof such as The Day Off Diet.
Get Started Now with the best online weight loss program.
The Day Off Diet with aerobic exercise will increase your fat loss.
If you believe it, you can be it! xoxo Lucinda

Calorie Counters and Weight Loss Exercise

Exercising for general health is obviously beneficial. However, the distinction should be made between general exercise and weight loss exercise. This is because the activities that you perform for weight reduction need to be calculated as precisely as possible for their calorie burn rate.
Everybody burns more calories through physical activity. But, the quantity burned by an individual will be determined by factors such as the person's size, age, gender and whether the activity was an aerobic exercise or strength training. Also, the length of time spent on the activity and the intensity level must be taken into account, as well.
Generally, there are a couple of ways you can measure the amount of calories you are losing through exercise. You can buy one of the fancy new gadgets on the market that calculate everything for you or you can plug some data into any number of online calculators for an estimate of what your body is consuming and burning off.
The newer devices are quite good and accurate. They can also be expensive if you opt for the most precise models. Some of the more comprehensive models I reviewed went for upwards of $200. The best ones are small enough to be worn on your arm or wrist and can monitor not only movement, but also body heat and moisture, log the calories you burn while sleeping and everything else one may want to know about their calorie count. You can then keep track of all this information on your computer or smart phone. These are wonderful for a detailed analysis of a weight loss exercise and overall calorie management. And, some models communicate with other devices to track important information such as heart rate.
Besides cost, these electronics do have some other downsides. You may have to build a database with your diet plan on some of the more sophisticated models, especially if you prepare most of your meals at home. And you will need to upload info to your computer and log your results. But, once you have it set up, you are good to go.
The other way to go is manage your calories by charting and estimating, to the best of your ability, based on numerical graphs and research or using one of the online calculators. With these, you simply input your personal information regarding gender, weight, height, etc., your diet and exercise routine. Many of these are free and are quite good as long as you put in accurate data. No sense fibbing. The machine really doesn't care. However, you need to be meticulous about the process.
Honestly, I really want one of those sweet little gizmos. But, I'm just too much of a tight wad. And, I've gotten into a habit of keeping up with everything on one of the online methods everyday. Well, most days.
No doubt, some of the whiz bang burn calorie counters can be more accurate and convenient than the alternatives. On the flip side, they can be expensive and somewhat cumbersome to initially set up. Either method of measurement will work. That is, either will work to the extent that you use them. A $200 monitor isn't much good if you go for a five mile run and don't wear it. Conversely, what good is a free calculator if you don't take the time to input your data?
Knowing how many calories you are burning from your workout is really important from the standpoint of weight loss exercise. The key is to be consistent using whichever method you prefer.

Best Exercise for Weight Loss for Women

After having a baby, new mothers may also find it harder to lose the pregnancy pounds - and what has worked for them previously may not be the best way to lose excess weight caused by childbirth.
Due to these factors, women often feel like giving up on exercise, and this is a mistake, as there are many exercises to help with weight loss: so here is a guide to some of the most suitable exercise regimes.
CARDIO: Cardio exercise has long been considered the best exercise for weight loss for women and men; even something as simple as a walk can help to burn calories, without putting strain on the body. Aerobic group exercise may be the first step towards helping women to lose weight in a regular way.
BREATHING EXERCISE: Kapalbhati Pranayam is the a great method of losing weight for women who have trouble moving around; air is forced through the nose in a forceful manner, and inhalation is passive. This exercise is sometimes not recommended for people with epilepsy or heart disease, but for healthy but overweight women
STRENGTH TRAINING: This is rapidly replacing cardio in medical opinion as the most effective weight loss method for women.
Strength training helps build muscle, which burns more calories than simple cardio by itself.
RUNNING: Many professional women take up running as a hobby, since it is both an excellent method of burning calories, and it also helps to relax the body and boost the mood of the runner. In fact, running may be the best exercise for weight loss for women, as it can also help to diminish the risk of osteoporosis.
Running is less expensive than a gym membership or the requirements of buying fitness machines; it protects women against heart attacks and stress related illnesses, also has positive emotional effects such as improvements in self-esteem and confidence.
Running can be the best exercise for losing weight in the stomach, buttocks and thigh areas: the abdominal muscles are used when running; legs and buttocks are exercised thoroughly, and it is also an excellent cardio workout for the entire body.
Running is by far the best exercise for women hoping to improve their general health; doctors sometimes recommend running as a way to reduce the risk of developing heart problems, diabetes, hypertension and stroke; there is evidence that it may also help women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer.
Running can improve the levels of cholesterol in the blood, diminish the risk of blood clots, and improve lung capacity. It also benefits the immune system by increasing white blood cell production.
In conclusion, it is clear that the best exercise for losing weight and improving health for women is running: it is cheap, beneficial, and can help women to relax after a stressful day at work.

The Definitive Guide to Slow Carb Weight Loss

I am not the inventor of the slow carb diet and I am not a doctor. I am someone who has been struggling with weight loss for about 2 years. Weighing more than I wanted to and having trouble losing it. Discovering the "Slow Carb" diet was a miraculous breakthrough for me. What I discovered was not some new trend. Studying the mechanics of the slow carb diet did not give me the, "Oh I'd never thought about that before," feeling. It gave me several "aha" moments. It wasn't anything new, it was a compilation of common sense put into practice. Here is a look into my implementation of "slow carb" dieting.
First, I think this is better called, "common sense dieting". When you read what it consists of you'll find that it really does just make sense.
The #1 Key I Have Found To Successful Dieting is KNOWLEDGE. If you want to lose weight, do not go out and run a mile per day. You will quit, probably after 1 day. If you want to lose weight, learn the science and thermodynamics that factor in to weight loss. Once I began to READ, I began to successfully lose weight. Understanding YOU, and what YOU want is the the first step. I defined my weight loss goals first, researched on the internet to find out how to reach them, talked to friends who were into fitness, and then decided how I would lose weight.
So onto the "Slow Carb" method. The simple fact of it is, "If you follow this diet, you WILL lose weight QUICKLY".
Part One: What you SHOULD eat!
Lean Animal Protein: 
  • Chicken: I prefer boneless, skinless chicken breasts.
  • Pork: I buy packages of thin cut pork chops, usually 4-6 per package.
  • Grass Fed Organic Beef: I recommend consulting your local butcher (call them?)
  • Egg Whites: I buy the small cartons of pourable egg whites. Usually in the fridge near the milk at the grocery.
  • Sea Food
  • Other: There are plenty of meats comparable to these and even more lean. Bison is very good. An Aussie friend of mine said that Kangaroo is the best source he has ever seen. Typically the rest of the lean animal proteins like these are very expensive. Chicken, pork, grass fed beef, and egg withes are all economically friendly!

  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Onion
  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Mixed Vegetables
  • Celery: The hardest one to get used to
  • If you don't like Veggies, learn to. Most people who dislike eating vegetables are just conditioned to because of their childhood. Learn ABOUT vegetables, how they are grown, different ways to prepare them. Don't think Salad, think 100s of different ways to throw together vegetables and other things to make delicious meals and snacks. Add peppers, herbs, spices, dressings, oils, vinegars, etc to make your salads into delicious, exclusive dishes.

  • Pinto Beans
  • Black Beans
  • Lentills
  • Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, etc
  • Incorporating more Legumes is an important part of the diet. Legumes are LOW in fat but still calorically dense. 1/2 cup of spinach is about 30 calories. 1/2 cup of rice is about 250. This is why when people try and diet by just eating salads they will get headaches, feel sick, and quit. Add in MORE legumes right off the beat to keep your caloric load high enough. I just buy canned beans, whatever nuts, and dry lentills in bags. Find what preparation you like and stick with it.

These 3 food groups should be nearly your entire diet. Pick 5 or so meals that you like and eat them over and over again. Switch meals each week to avoid burn out.
Part Two: What you SHOULDN'T eat
"If you avoid eating anything white, you'll be safe", says New York Times Bestseller Tim Ferriss. Those you will find are words to live by. As such do not eat any of the following: 
  • Rice
  • Cereal
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Potatoes
  • Fried Food with breading

Do not fall into the trap of, "whole grain" things. While they are marginally better for you, they are still not to be eaten. Whole Grain Pasta, rice, cereal, and bread are all on the do not eat category.
You will find, that this is TOUGH. This was hands down the hardest part of the diet for me. I have packed myself with white carbohydrates for years and now all of the sudden I can't have any! It sucks!
The tunnel is not all dark
You may eat any of the above, in reasonable portion, within an hour and a half of a resistance training workout that was at least 20 minutes long.
It is not ideal on this diet! I eat a grapefruit with some egg whites and spinach in the morning for breakfast. Apart from that I do not eat any fruit.
The problem with fruit is that it has a lot of sugar in it, thus a high Glycemic Index. All the glucose from sugar can easily turn into fat. So it isn't safe to eat as this diet is specifically for fat loss. If you have to have fruit eat it early in the morning. But it's best to avoid it.
Avoid Drinking Calories!
Drink copious amounts of water. Water has no calories
Any of the following are good also 
  • Tea
  • Unsweetened Iced Tea
  • Diet Soda
  • Coffee: no cream, no sugar

Avoid gatorade, normal soda, milk, juice, etc.
Drinking wine is a GREAT habit. There is no argument that having 1-2 alcoholic beverages per day is a great habit to have. There are tons of positive health benefits. Note: The Health Benefits End At 3 Drinks And Become Negative. Red wine is also a great source of resveratrol which is one of the top weight loss supplements that you can buy today. Red wine is the most common natural source. Additionally, some researchers say that resveratrol is best absorbed in the mouth. When you drink wine you generally hold it in you mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. Making the entire process an effective addition to your diet.
My recommendation: Drink 1-2 glasses of red wine in the evening 1-2 hours before bed.
Simple Variety:
Eat the same couple of meals over and over again on your diet days. This is the most successful approach to dieting.
Whenever possible I like to prepare my meals for Tuesday on Monday night, etc. By planning your meals BEFORE they happen you can control your food intake. Eat heartily on this diet though. By sticking to the 3 main food groups you can eat as much as you like and still lose weight. It is important to take in enough calorious right off the bat to curb the change in diet.
Have 4-5 meals that you eat over and over again and then change it up every few weeks. This is difficult to do but consider what you are getting in return for this sacrifice. A healthy, happy life.
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Your Off Day
Take one day per week off from dieting. Not only that, on your off day go out of your way to eat junk. Pack in white carbs, eat candy, ice cream, drink pop, have waffles for breakfast. Eat so much crap that you don't even want to look at it for a weak.
There are a few reasons we do this but the main and most important one is this:
Spiking your calorie intake once per week like this helps to keep your metabolic rate up and actually AIDS in FAT LOSS. This is heavan if I know it. I will say that again.
Spiking your calorie intake once per week like this helps to keep your metabolic rate up and actually AIDS in FAT LOSS.
Eat Junk and Lose Weight.
In addition to the weight loss benefit. Doing this once per week keeps us sane and allows us to follow a very strict diet the other 6 days. I use saturdays as my day off
Final Tips:
Begin every day with a large glass of ice water
When first starting this diet you will have some ailments the first few days. Headaches are common when switching to a slow carb diet. See Atkins Flu. This will only last up until your first GO CRAZY day normally. For me it only lasted about 2 days.
It is easy to not get enough calories with this diet. Make sure you eat enough
Focus on ONLY your diet. Do not worry about exercise for the first 3 weeks.
Have a set sleeping routine. It doesn't matter what it is. Just sleep at roughly the same time every day for 7-9 hours.
View each Off Day as the light at the end of the tunnel. Work very hard during the week to be insanely strict and then reward yourself generously at the end of the week with your splurge day.
Try this for 2-3 months. You will have great results.
Communicate with me through the comments/email, I am going through this diet right now and still have a long road ahead of me. I would love to have some people on board with me sharing experience and helping to keep each other motivated.
To A Happy, Healthy, Life.
Jordan Laubaugh

Are Low-Carb Diets Effective For Weight Loss And Are They Safe?

Eating carbs and losing weight sounds like an oxymoron to most people. Carbs are considered EVIL, and if you eat them, you are going to burn in the internal fire of excess body fat! (I just felt like doing an evil laugh after that last sentence... lol). Anyway, in this article I wanted to talk about low-carb diets and if they were effective for weight loss, if they are safe, or, is this whole "stay away from carbs like the plague" phenomenon that has hit the diet world something you should avoid. Read on to find out more!
Oh, and before I get into what I wanted to talk about today, I just wanted to give you a quick heads up: This article WILL NOT be any scientific mumble jumble! I am not a scientist, nutritionist, dietician, or a doctor. I am from a normal walk of life who just so happen to have tried out many diets, and gained a TON of experience and knowledge in the world of dieting, fitness, and health... and then through lots of trial and error, I finally found what worked the best for losing pounds of stubborn fat and getting an amazing body. Okay? Is that cool? Great!
Alright, first things first. You have a bunch of different diets out here all claiming to work the best for helping us lose weight... and I've tried them all... seriously! You have the low-carb diet (which we're going to talk about today), the low-fat diet, the low-calorie diet, the starvation types of diets, the metabolism boosting types of diets, and those other strange fad diets you see all over the Internet and in magazines. With all of these diets, how is it ever possible to know which one is safe and effective for losing weight? Well, let's first talk about low-carbohydrate dieting, and then I'll talk about choosing the most effective diet.
Reducing Carbs Diet - Does It Work?
A reduced carbohydrate diet is typically based around significantly lowering all types of carbs. A diet like this is growing in popularity because of the fact that by eating too many carbohydrates, you are more at risk of suffering from obesity, excess body fat, diseases (especially diabetes), and so much more.
But, there is a problem: Remember how I said above that a diet such as this is based around lowering ALL types of carbs? Well, that's where the problem lies...
You see, there are two types of carbohydrates. You have the good carbs and you have the bad carbs. The good kind are complex carbohydrates (fiber). The bad kind is sugar. Are you starting to see where the problem is yet?
My friend, if you significantly reduce your good carb intake, you are putting yourself at risk of having digestive problems, a loss of natural energy, and so much more. The only type of carb that should significantly be reduced are bad carbs (sugar, white flour foods, junk foods, processed foods, etc.). Good carbs are absolutely vital if you want to lose weight and burn fat naturally... BUT... at the same time improve your overall health.
So, to answer that question above on how is it ever possible to know which diet is going to be safe and effective for losing weight, all you have to do is look for one thing: Is the diet based around eating ALL types of foods, WITHOUT severely restricting IMPORTANT nutrients (such as good carbs in this case), and will it skyrocket your metabolic rate? If it is, then it is something worth taking a look at.
And the best diet that I used and highly recommend if you want to Melt Away Fat FAST and permanently drop 9 pounds EVERY 11 DAYS is the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots...
I lost an amazing 52 lbs. of fat in 2 months (plus flattened my belly) using this popular online fat loss program... and it all has stayed off FOR GOOD! It works because it naturally raises your metabolism by having you eat REAL FOOD...
>> Click, and on the next page, you'll see my official review, other testimonials, and more.

List of Low Carb Foods for Weight Loss

Hello there, I have compiled a list of low carb foods and some good substitutes for the higher carb foods in your diet. Start incorporating these foods into your diet and jump start your body's fat burning power.
Fruit - Start eating low sugar fruit. The best choices are small amounts of lemon and lime, rhubarb, raspberries, blackberries, and cranberries. These fruits contain the lowest amount of sugar than any others. Other fruits that contain slightly higher amounts of sugar but are still good choices include cantaloupes, blueberries, peaches, nectarines, papaya, casaba melon, watermelon, strawberries, honeydew melons, apples, guavas, apricots, and grapefruit. Fruits that are fairly high in sugar include pineapple, plums, oranges, kiwifruit, and pears. Fruits that are extremely high in sugar include cherries, tangerines, mangoes, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, figs, and bananas.
Nuts and Seeds - Nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients and are great substitutes for more starchier foods like wheat. Flax seeds are extremely healthy and low in carbs. A combination of healthy fat, protein, and fiber make them appetizing to eat.
Dairy products - The amount of dairy you can eat will depend on how sensitive your body is to carbs. Some people can stomach more dairy than others. Milk contains a fair amount of sugar but is broken down over a longer period of time than other sugars. Many people tolerate milk well while others have serious intestinal problems when exposed to it. Don't blame me if you end up stuck on the toilet because you consumed too much milk. Milk does have some carbs in the form of lactose which is supposedly less glycemic than other sugars. Some good substitutes for milk are coconut milk, unsweetened soy milk or unsweetened almond milk. If you are sensitive to milk some other good dairy products where the whey is removed and have less sugar include strained yogurt, cottage cheese, and other cheeses. If you do not have a lot of dairy in your diet make sure you are getting adequate amounts of calcium.
Fats - Believe it or not, there are essential fats in foods that are vital to your overall health. Omega 3′s found in fish are great for you.
Legumes - Legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas have a lot carbs in them. However, these carbs are digested slowly and are excellent choices for people who don't process sugar well. FYI - canned beans are more glycemic than beans you cook yourself. Soy beans are lower in carbohydrates than other beans. Black soy beans are probably your best best because they don't have the bland taste of regular soy beans and they work well in most bean recipes.
Whole grains - While whole grains are often rich in carbs, there are good additions to a low carb diet. The starch is broken down into glucose more slowly than flour and refined grains. A serving of grains is about a half cup. Whole grain pasta should be cooked slightly firm as the more it is cooked the faster it is broken down. You will lose the nutritional value if you cook it for too long. Some good substitutes to pasta which are lower in carbs include spaghetti squash, shirataki noodles, and low carb pastas such as Dreamfields.
Foods you want to stay away from - sugary and starchy foods - aka. foods rapidly produced into glucose
- Foods with lots of sugars such as soft drinks and candies
- Fruit juices - Many fruit juices are packed with sugar. Here are some good guidelines when consuming fruit juices. 8 ounces a day of 100% juice is okay. However, keep in mind, that juices are usually high in calories. If you are really trying to lose weight, substitute the low sugar fruits as mentioned above for fruit juice.
- Foods with tons of flour - Foods such as cakes, cookies, and crackers, are packed with flour and have little nutritional benefit.
For more tips and tricks about dieting and weight loss, visit my website at []

Low Carb Diet Weight Loss - Is the Low Carb Diet More Suitable For the Obese?

There are countless number of different diets that people can use to lose weight. The truth is that most of them are junk and don't work at all. So choosing the right kind of diet that helps you lose weight and more importantly keep it off, is essential. Although low carb diets are certainly not suitable for everyone, but if you are seriously overweight and have over 50 pounds to lose, then a low carb diet might work very well for you.
Low carb diet weight loss
We all know that carbohydrates provide energy for the body and if they are in excess, like everything else, then they will be stored as fat. It is also clear that a high carbohydrate intake, that does not include high fiber foods, but does include simple and refined carbohydrates, causes the chronic release of insulin.
A chronic insulin level inhibits hormone sensitive lipase, the enzyme that behaves like a gatekeeper allowing fatty acids to flow out of the fat cells. But at the same time elevated insulin levels also kick up levels of lipoprotein lipase another such enzyme that has gate keeper qualities. And these gatekeepers welcome fatty acids into your fat cells, making you fatter. Insulin is also a appetite stimulant and it increases the cravings for food. This fat storing and appetite stimulating effect is magnified by heavier individuals. Research has shown that an obese person, eating 40 grams of carbs, will secrete more insulin than a lean person, eating the same amount of carbs.
By reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein levels in the diet, means that your body has to spend a lot more energy to break down protein than carbohydrates. The more energy your body has to spend to break down protein, means the more calories you burn. Of course the danger of very low carb diets, is the lack of energy, since we get most of our energy from carbohydrates. So staying on a very low carbohydrate diet for long periods, is really impossible. Never go too far with low carb diets.
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Diet and Fitness Tips for Lasting Weight Loss for Kids and Teens

One of the largest challenges that any child can face is being overweight. Not only are overweight children more likely to be heavy adults, but they also face many emotional and physical side effects even as kids because of the extra weight. They may become withdrawn, suffer from low self-esteem, and avoid activities that they enjoy because they feel that they are too overweight to participate.
If your child or teenager is overweight and needs to lose weight, they can follow some of these easy-to-use diet and fitness tips. These will help them change their minds about healthy food and get moving in a fun, yet effective, way.
Diet Tips
No one wants to go on a "diet" and kids most certainly will balk at the idea of diet food. But healthy eating principles are more than just a fad diet or something that will last for a few weeks. Nutritious noshing should be an essential part of any child's everyday life (as well as any adult!) and so kids need to apply principles to their everyday eating that can be turned into long-term habits. Some ways that kids can change how they eat and lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way include:
  • Cut back on junk food, but do not cut it out completely. Many kids struggle with feeling like they cannot eat the things that they really love because they are on a diet. If your teen or kid simply eats what they love in moderation, filling up on the good stuff and then having junk food as an occasional treat, they can lose weight and keep it off. As soon as a kid thinks that they can never have French fries or candy again, they will covet them even more. Moderation is the key with junk food.

  • Focus on eating at the table and not in front of the television. Kids should avoid eating in front of the television or the computer, because this is when they eat when they are not hungry and eat more than they need to. Try encouraging everyone in the family to eat meals and snacks at the kitchen table.

  • Avoid fast foods and make meals and snacks at home. Fast food can be dangerous to any healthy lifestyle. Children who eat meals and snacks at home as opposed to at fast food restaurants tend to be at healthier weights than those who exist solely on drive-through fare.

  • Build meals around fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals and are the perfect base for any meal or snack. Kids can lose weight simply from swapping French fries and candy for veggies and fruits.
Exercise Tips
No healthy life makeover for kids is complete without exercise. Some top tips for kids to follow to get in shape and stay healthy include:
  • Move for 20-30 minutes a day. Kids can walk their dog around the blog, go for a jog, shoot hoops in the front yard, jump rope or any other physical activity for 20-30 minutes per day. This can help them to get active and burn calories while doing something that is enjoyable.

  • Take up a new sport. Sports are one of the best ways for kids and teens to lose weight because they are fun and they foster a sense of connection with other kids. Look for neighborhood baseball or soccer leagues, sports at school that are "no cut" sports (like track and cross country) or even sports leagues at your local gym or church.

  • Play video games that are active. Many new video games combine video game play with exercise, such as Wii games. Kids can play these for a half an hour or so after school and get the necessary activity they need to be healthy.
Teenagers and children can also find out more healthy eating tips and exercise tactics when they attend fitness camps. These summer weight loss camps can help them to foster healthful eating habits, learn new exercises and make new friends all at the same time. They can help to teach kids methods for weight loss that they can use for the rest of their lives. They may also help kids who were suffering from low self-worth to get out of their shells and meet new people.
Kids and teenagers do not have to spend the rest of their lives overweight, as long as they adopt healthful eating habits and make exercise a part of their daily lives.
Joe Busch specializes in writing articles related to healthy weight loss for kids. He focuses on proper diets, exercise, and weight loss camps. Parents with children that struggle with their weight should consider a weight loss camp for teens to jump start the process.

Weight Loss Essentials - What You Need to Know

Body weight really matters and it affects you in more ways than your appearance. Lots of people are unhappy with their present body weight. Many aren't sure on how to change it and end up being deceived by the wrong information. Wouldn't it be nice if you can increase your self esteem and improve your overall quality of life, health and physical abilities? You can then imagine all the positive effects and advantages from weight loss solutions.
Losing weight is a bit tricky and extremely challenging for some people. It simply means being at the right weight at the right age or height. It definitely requires discipline and effort. It is also all about long term success.
Proper knowledge is the first step to weight loss. You need real facts before considering any other approach. There are a lot of things that others would tell you but not all of them may be true. For instance, the weight loss pill, we have to realize that a pill can never help you lose weight instantly. They may even contain chemicals that could bring some negative effects to your overall health.
Weight loss advisors would normally advise you to starve yourself. It will definitely show reduced physical features but then again, we are more concerned about the overall health if you are to achieve successful weight loss. You don't have to avoid carbohydrates or fats completely; the idea is to keep it balanced. You might want to increase you fiber intake, which means more fruits and green foods. Try to break meals into smaller ones to help speed up metabolism and keep you from getting too hungry in between meals. Try not to eat before bedtime since your body burns less fat when you're asleep. Most of all, be conscious of you cholesterol level and decrease your fat intake.
Any form of physical activity and sports on a regular basis can definitely help. A person who moves all the time burns more calories and fats than those who always relax. It doesn't mean that you have to be a pro in a fitness gym. Just get moving. It's just a matter of burning calories than what you eat. Adding some weight training to your routine is highly recommended since increasing muscle mass helps increase metabolism allowing you to burn calories while at rest.
In summary, the basics for a healthy weight loss are a combination of a balanced and properly prepared diet and enough exercise. These are some of the sacrifices as considered by some, which could greatly improve our living and even the habits of the people around you. All it takes is patience, awareness and self discipline and before you know it, fats are gone, wellness is achieved.
Know more about weight loss and live a healthy life.

Fitness Mistakes and Weight Loss Secrets

Mistake #1: Avoid these fitness mistakes
A common mistake made quite often is not including a weight routine and doing only cardio! The key to increasing your metabolism is developing lean muscle mass. As we age, muscle mass drops by 6% decreasing metabolism, lean mass and overall strength. This is especially true after the 40 years of age. Keeping your heart rate up and working out none stop, while you work your entire body, will increase fat burning.
Mistake #2: Doing a hundred or more sit ups a day to lose belly fat.
It's a fact you can not spot train any part of your body, including the abs and doing thousands of sit ups will not trim your waistline. The focus has to be on reducing your overall body fat percentage. We all have six-pack abs, but they are hidden underneath fat. Since men naturally have a lower body fat than women, It's harder to do for women. It is important, however, to develop a strong core for lower back support and to prevent injury, but crunches are not the only way to do that. Try total body moves like planks and weighted wood chops for maximum results, and eat less calories than you burn to get the best results.
Secrets to Fitness Success #1 - Set Your Goals
This may sound a little cliché, but it is very true. In order to achieve something that you set out to do, you must... 1. Clearly visualize what this "something" is 2. Know how you are going to go about measuring "it". 3. Have a plan laying out your ways in which to get "it" 4. Know when it is that you finally are going to achieve "it."
Always have a short-term goal and a longer-term goal, (Lack thereof is a major fitness mistake)and always writing your goals down with a clear map. The more motivated you are to reach your goal, the higher your chance of achieving it. What really drives you to lose 20 lbs? What is your reason for gaining 5 lbs of muscle or losing 20 lbs of fat? If your reason for the goal is not motivating enough for you to see the positive reward at the end of the tunnel, you might find yourself on the path to non-achievement. Be true to yourself be aware of these fitness mistakes, and be realistic about what you want to achieve, draw out a plan for how you are going to go about it, and keep your plan visible so that you are constantly reminded of it. Sometimes, I even tell my closest friends and family about my path to my goals so that they can encourage me along the way. Better yet, invite a friend to join you. Develop a routine!
Secret to Fitness Success and Weight loss #2
It would be safe to say that diet is almost 70% of the weight loss battle, where as exercise is 30%. You'll be amazed at just how many calories you are eating in a day, or how few you are consuming. One of the biggest problems that people have is that they don't eat enough, or frequently enough. Most people don't eat enough of the food that is going to get them lean or they are uneducated about the nutritional value of most foods. A good rule of thumb is to keep a balanced diet of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. A good split in a 2000 calorie diet would include a breakdown of 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. If you want to lose 1 lbs a week, you must eat 500 calories less than you burn for 7 days and a total of a 3500 calorie deficit equals 1 lb lost. NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST!! and if you are going to eat carbs, try to eat them at this time of day, and around the time of your workout. Try to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, each meal consisting of 200-300 calories. Increase the consumption of high density, low calorie foods, such as vegetables. It's good to have some lean protein and veggies for dinner. Limit the amount of sugars you eat, reduce consumption of alcohol. Increase the amount of water that you drink.
Note: You don't need to starve yourself in order to lose weight.
Claim your Free fitness mistakes and weight loss secrets [] report, and avoid the common mistakes made buy most people even seasoned fitness trainers. Get your fitness and weight loss program here [].

Top 5 Fitness and Weight Loss Tips For Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Granted, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year's is the busiest time of year for many people. But even during the crush of holiday shopping, family get-togethers and Christmas parties, it is important to remember the importance of continuing a regular exercise program. Don't gain back the weight that you've worked hard all year long to lose. Don't give back the fitness and muscle mass you've spent the last twelve months building!
Use the five fitness and weight loss tips below to stop that holiday weight gain!
1. Step up the intensity!
Did you know its possible to maintain your current fitness and strength with only a single strength training workout each week? That fact is an important tip during the busy holiday Christmas and season when work, family and other commitments combined with less daylight and colder weather to negatively impact most exercise workouts and fitness routines
In order to keep your strength and fitness levels, schedule at least one good weekly strength training workout to keep in shape and stop that unwanted (and unnecessary) loss in fitness and conditioning.
2. Can't find the time to workout? Split up the workouts...
In most cases, your body and muscles don't care if you just did 50 sit ups in a row or if you did 10 sit ups at 5 different times during the day. The total amount of work by those muscles is still...get out your calculators...50 sit ups! The same is true for cardio and aerobic exercise. Going for three 10 minute power walks before work, at your lunch break and after work still adds up to 30 minutes of exercise for the day. Count all the running around with holiday shopping and there is still enough opportunity to keep a base level of fitness or exercise during the holiday season.
3 . Remember to add some strength training!
For strength training, focus on exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts push-ups or pullups - all exercises that involve major muscle groups like the glutes, quads or deltoids and pecs. You don't need any special equipment except of maybe a set of dumbells or stretch cords for added resistance.
Concentrate on high repetition throughout the day if you can't meet your "get a real workout in" goal. Again its OK to break up the exercises through out the day - but stay consistent!
Remember - it ALL adds up! Switch the exercises around each day for variety and to avoid an injury. One possible program is below:
The "Get Your Holiday Workout In" Program
Day #1
Push-ups: 50-100 total
Body weight Squats, or Step Lunges: 100-200 total
Rows - with dumbbells or stretch cords: 50-100 total
Day #2
Deadlifts or Hip Extensions: 50-100 total
Chair Dips: 50 -100 total
Curls with dumbbells or stretch cords: 50-100 total
Pull ups are another great quick exercise alternative!
4. The "Shopping" Workout
Christmas shopping at the mall can be a full-contact sport as well as stressful and aggravating. But learn how to use these shopping trips to your advantage. Try parking the car further away from the mall entrance - you'll get a longer walk in, and you may even find a parking spot quicker than circling the lot looking for the "primo" parking spot. Try taking the stairs instead of the escalators or elevator. You'll find you have a lot more room on the stairs, avoiding the crowds and burning some holiday calories to boot!
5. Spend time outside!
Sad to say, but after 5 years in San Diego, my blood is officially "Southern California" thin - so much for growing up in New England and 5 years in Colorado. Still, our weather our here is great for being outside. Try to break free for a lunch-time walk or head to the beach for a ocean-front run. There will be less people out there and you'll have the satisfaction of staying one step/stride/lunge ahead of the holiday weight gain.
Most importantly, take the time to sit back and enjoy your family, friends and loved ones during the holiday season!
Dr. John Martinez is a primary care sports medicine physician and medical director of Coastal Sports & Wellness Medical Center, a sports injury clinic in San Diego, CA.
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Copyright 2008

Sleep and Weight Loss

Are you getting enough sleep?  Did you know that sleep and weight loss are linked?
Several studies have linked sleep and weight loss. If you sleep less than six hours a night, you increase your chances of being overweight or obese. The consequences of being obese are significant.  Obesity is strongly related to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even some cancers.
Which comes first? Does the lack of sleep lead to obesity or does obesity lead to a lack of sleep? It turns out they feed off of each other.
  • A lack of sleep increases your time awake and therefore increases your chances of eating. Unless you sleep walk, you can't eat while you are sleeping. The midnight snack was invented by people who were awake at midnight.
  • Sleeping less may affect hormones that monitor feelings of hunger and fullness. If your body's signaling devices are telling you that you're hungry more often or affecting when you feel full, you will find it more difficult to eat and drink fewer calories.
  • A lack of sleep may lower a person's basal metabolic rate so that they burn fewer calories than a similar person who sleeps more. That's right! Your body is slowing down in it's bid to recover from the previous day with inadequate sleep.
  • Sleeping deprivation lowers your energy during the day which will lower your desire to exercise. Who wants to exercise when they can barely keep their eyes open or when they would rather take a nap on the couch because they didn't get enough sleep?
  • Unfortunately, your weight gain may hinder your sleep. The excess weight can inhibit your breathing and lower the amount of oxygen you get as you sleep. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are more common in obese people than in normal weight persons. Sleep apnea is a disorder that can lead to heart and lung issues.
You may have created a vicious circle. You gain weight as you get less sleep and you find it more difficult to sleep as you gain weight. What can you do about? Below are five tips that may help you sleep more than seven hours a night.
  1. Don't drink caffeine, eat chocolates or eat foods high in sugar after 2:00 in the afternoon. Yes 2:00 PM is arbitrary. Experiment with a cutoff time, but remember, caffeine and sugars will keep you awake.
  2. Don't watch television in bed and turn off your computer and cell phone an hour before going to sleep. Sound and visual stimuli bombard us. It is difficult to rest when your brain is still wired to your electronics. Turn them off and either read, talk or meditate.
  3. Experiment with when you exercise. Try it in the morning and see if it increases your energy and helps you sleep. Or try it at night after dinner and see if that helps with sleep. Either way, exercise as it will use energy, burn calories and reduce stress.
  4. Don't sleep in on weekends. If you can stay consistent with your sleep times on weekends, you will have a better chance of getting to sleep on Sunday night.
  5. Turn your brain off. Write down the items you need to tackle and place them in a drawer for the next morning. Meditate or practice deep breathing and let go of the day's problems. They will still be there in the morning. You can either tackle them refreshed or fatigued.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

A lot of people want to lose weight fast for an event such as a wedding, a reunion or a party. If you find yourself wishing that you were 20 pounds slimmer but don't have a lot of time in which to pull it off, read this article without skipping a single word because I shall review 2 ways in which you can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks.
If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks you can do it in 2 ways:
1. Go on a juice based detox diet. This kind of diet cleanses your body of toxins and undigested food while providing you with carbs and sugars. Although this diet isn't suitable for a long duration, as a "crash" diet meant to help you lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, it can be extremely effective.
2. It you like working out and can spare the time, you can lose 20 pounds by doing a lot of cardiovascular activity over two weeks. I suggest doing 1 hour aerobic workout for 5 days on each of the 2 weeks. You can jog, power walk, cycle, swim or whatever you like. It you want to play basketball, tennis or take some aerobic classes, that's fine too.
Don't do massive workouts and go on a juice diet simultaneously. If your chose to burn off 20 pounds by exercising you'll need your strength. Reduce the amount of carbs that you consume but eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and protein. Make sure that all your fats are healthy ones like olive oil and canola oil.
Losing 20 Lbs in 2 weeks isn't the easiest thing in the world but if you believe in yourself and are willing to put in a little effort, I'm positive the you can do it.
To read more tips and tricks on how to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks click here: Lose 20 Pounds
For a special Free Fat Loss ebook that can help you lose weight super-fast visit this webpage:
Free Diet Plan.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He writes extensively on diet and fitness issues.

Benefits of All Natural Weight Loss Supplements

People all around the globe want to have a flat stomach desperately, and this is why they are increasingly opting for all natural weight loss supplements that promise quick results without any side effects.
You can also find several diet pills that are useless as they increase the risk of heart attacks and diabetes. No matter how strongly a pill claims to reduce your weight fast, you must understand that there is no magic pill that will melt away the pounds.
A natural supplement is a good alternative for those people who want to stay away from chemical-based, harmful weight loss supplements that damage heart valves. Thus, all natural weight loss supplements are safer alternative to losing body weight. It is also important that you are positive towards losing weight if you want the natural supplement to work fast.
Selling natural supplements to lose those extra pounds is a big business in the U.S. as Americans spend billions of dollars on such remedies. Even Hollywood celebrities promote all natural weight loss supplements and programs. However, one key aspect of herbal weight loss supplement is that the FDA department that is responsible for drug safety does not check natural supplements. Thus, as a consumer, you need to be extra careful before you buy any weight loss supplement as the claims made by the manufacturer can be false.
Medical research suggests that the topmost method to attain flat stomach is by restricting the calorie intake and increasing the physical activity. Turning to diet pills that artificially stimulate the metabolism to lose weight can do more harm than good. So, always trust only natural supplements.
There are several natural ingredients used in natural weight loss supplements, so when buying one you must look for them. Take a look.
• Green tea extract is commonly used in herbal supplements as it helps to speed up your metabolism and burn fat. It is a powerful supplement to kick-start slow metabolism. According to research, green tea can increase burning of calories while you are resting by 4%.
• Another natural ingredient is Hoodia that is a natural appetite suppressant.
• Glucomannan (extracted from the Konjac plant) is yet another ingredient that slows the rate of absorption of carbohydrates and also works as an appetite suppressant.
• The two effective natural supplements that are used to reduce blood sugar are l-arabinose and chromium. Both help decrease blood sugar by reducing sugar enzyme action and removing glucose from the blood by shifting it to the cells where it is transformed to energy.
• More natural supplements that help lose weight are white bean extract and irvingia. They help in managing diabetes and reducing weight.
Turning to dangerous fad diets and pills to lose weight can result in serious consequences. So it is best to eat a healthy diet and follow regular exercise regime combined with ONLY all natural weight loss supplements to get the body of your dreams.
Wait...go and grab a FREE report to lose 11lbs in 30 days with all natural weight loss supplements.

Cardio and Weight Loss

Cardio is a great ally in the difficult task of weight loss. If somebody wants to lose weight, he or she probably has a weight which is above the recommended healthy level. And being overweight is not healthy at all. Being overweight can cause many problems and one of those problems is heart related problems.
Similarly, being under the recommended healthy weight is not good for you. If you stay in any of these dangerous weight zones for too long, many problems may occur. This is because we have to maintain our weight between the normal values as well as practicing physical exercises to keep our bodies functioning and healthy.
Excessive body weight can cause heart problems. Like a car needs its engine, we need our heart. With this in mind, we therefore need to protect our heart and avoid unhealthy habits that may affect our health. Additionally, physical exercise will maintain our health as well as our heart.
We can even find some of the best cardio for weight loss in order to reduce our weight in a healthy way on the internet and by practicing cardio exercises we will be helping our heart and our body.
There are some of the best cardio exercises for losing weight:
Swimming: swimming is a very good cardio exercise in order to lose weight and to keep you healthy. Swimming allows you to exercise your entire body and it is an excellent way to lose weight. Swimming is among the best cardio for weight loss. Additionally, this type of physical exercise doesn't cause any injury relating bones or joints, because you will be exercising in the water with reduced resistance.
Running: You don't need any kind of special equipment for this exercise, however you will need a good pair of trainers in order to prevent any kind of damage to your bones or joints. Also, you will need comfortable clothes so you can move without any problem. Running will help you losing weight by burning calories, though of course you can't run only five or ten minutes - you will have to run around half an hour each time. A good tip is to listen to music or run with someone else as this will help you keep motivated to run further even if you are tired.
Cycling: By cycling at least thirty minutes a day you will improve your endurance and lose weight. Cycling is a very simple activity and an effective exercise to lose weight. Additionally, you can practice this exercise by going to work or school by bicycle. You just have to be creative and find the best way to incorporate your best cardio for weight loss exercises in your day to day activities.
These are only three of the best cardio for weight loss exercises that you can undertake in order to be healthier, to lose weight and to improve your physical skills such as endurance and strength.