The Best Reasons to Wear Organic Yoga Clothing From Bamboo

By Michael Rinchen

People today should make it their goal to decide to purchase organic goods which are at peace with Mother Earth. Bamboo cloth is the best choice for eco-friendly yoga clothing for a number of factors.

Clothing that comes from the bamboo plant is very soft and smooth. Many consumers like to compare it to silk or cashmere. The cause of this is because the bamboo fibers naturally possess a smooth and rounded surface. It makes bamboo clothing very comfy, even for consumers with sensitive skin and allergies.

Bamboo cloth is highly moisture absorbing. That means that when you start sweating bamboo fabric will wick up the excess moisture off of your skin. You should feel more dry if you put on bamboo clothes for yoga or other exercise.

Bamboo clothing is permeated by tiny spaces that allow the fabric to vent. You can expect to feel cooler when wearing bamboo apparel in the hotter months. On the other hand in the cooler months, bamboo fabric acts as an excellent insulating layer to keep the wearer warm and cozy. Bamboo material is also shown to block approximately 98% of UV rays, so bamboo fabric helps save your skin from the sun.

The remarkable bamboo plant has a natural antibacterial agent which is called bamboo kun. The antibacterial abilities of the bamboo plant are still present in bamboo clothing. You are going to notice that bamboo clothing, towels, and bedding inhibit the growth of fungus and bacteria. Your bamboo clothing is going to smell fresher for a longer time than garments made of other materials. This makes eco yoga clothing from bamboo such an ideal selection. Many shoppers decide to use bamboo underwear and towels for this same reason.

Bamboo is without a doubt one of the fastest growing plants you can find, but did you know also that this plant is really a type of grass, and not a kind of tree? Because of this all the various bamboo culms are connected by a system of roots below the ground. Just the poles that have grown for about three years are removed for harvest, while the remaining are left until they are ready. This way plants can continue to be harvested in a sustainable way in the same plantation each year. In addition, bamboo has its own natural defense to avoid insects and fungus. Because of this its a crop that can be grown easily in an organic method without a need for poisonous pesticides and herbicides that damage the soil and waterways.

This amazing plant also gives back to the air and soil as it grows up. One square kilometer of bamboo growth changes a greater amount of CO2 into fresh oxygen than a comparable area of hardwood forest. The dense root system of a bamboo stand helps maintain moisture in the ground and prevent erosion. A bamboo grove can be cultivated on steep hills where many other crops are not viable. The variety of bamboo used to make clothing needs only the naturally falling rain for its water needs. In comparison, the cotton plant is one of the most water intensive crops in the world. It requires several tons of precious water to obtain merely a single pound of cotton thread.

As you can see, bamboo is a natural wonder with numerous benefits as a clothing product. People who are concerned about preserving the environment are going to feel good about buying clothing made from bamboo fabric. It is ideal for anybody doing yoga, running, or any style of athletic activity. Bamboo clothing absorbs sweat, so you are going to feel more comfortable. At the same time, bamboo fabric inhibits the growth of bacteria. So your yoga clothing will smell more fresh. Lastly, bamboo clothing is so comfortable and good looking that you are not going to want to wear anything other than bamboo.

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1 comment:

  1. Great to know about your organic clothes and I agree that people should use them as they are eco-friendly but for my yoga classes I use alo yoga clothing as they are available at good price and also provides awesome look and comfort to the body.
