The Best Form of Yoga to Fit You

By Sienna Nalin

With yoga it is all about finding a yoga routine that you are comfortable with. There are many different kinds of styles of yoga that one can do, but finding the right one is your challenge.

Certain people are attracted to certain styles of yoga for various reasons. Just as the color of your yoga mat can affect your practice, your favorite yoga style might say something about your personality. The following is a fun, light-hearted list of yoga styles, and the personalities they attract.

Restorative Yoga - If you are not looking to do much and just want to completely relax, this is the type of yoga you should try. This form of yoga consists of laying in comfortable poses for 20 to 30 minutes for an hour. There are also blankets involved.

Power Yoga - Power yoga is a go to yoga for those that are athletic or looking to build strength. This form of yoga is all about stretching you out and helping you become flexible.

Iyengar Yoga - Those who pay close attention to detail and do not take anything for granted are usually people who love Iyengar yoga. No one has ever accused an Iyengar yogi of turning a blind eye to the particulars that so many modern yoga practitioners overlook.

Bikram Hot Yoga - If you do not like change and are fine with extreme hot temperatures, this is the yoga for you. This yoga has the same poses every class along with the hot heat. This yoga not only will help you sweat off the pounds, but you will have an instructor pushing you.

Kundalini Yoga - Kundalini yogis are fascinated with the universe within the heart, the mind, and the intellect. Devotees tend to think outside the box and are attracted by the inimitably of this style of yoga. Kundalini yogis are individualistic, yet open to being presented unique perspectives on life.

...More at Which Yoga Style is Right for You? We Match Personality with Practice

Now that you have learned about a few different styles of yoga, have you found one that fits your personality? If so I hope that you try that style of yoga out and love it.

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