Health Insurance Has Become Common For Licensed Mental Health Clinician PA

By Stephen Brooks

In days gone by, it was only persons of other ethnic groups who put their money in health insurance. Now a licensed mental health clinician PA services are included in health care insurances. That was not because African people did not see it necessary to invest but it is difficult making investments when you are thinking about survival. The tiny money they are left with goes to the consumption of liquor and drugs to remedy the hectic day-to-day pressures they go through.

From their perspective, you would slightly understand why they would plunge themselves into that sort of lifestyle with the heavy load they carry. At home, there is tension between them and a spouse, while kids hassle you about things they do not have and then having the responsibility of sharing the house with a sick parent. While the shift at work is made longer by a ruthless boss on top of the already tiring labor.

Instant gratification from alcohol and drug abuse numbs the pain and stress, but it is wrong because, after that rapid moment of pleasure, the problem remains there and needs to be dealt with. One is actually left in a far worse condition over time because there is sicknesses and age-related illnesses that creep up.

One might say persons who find themselves in that dark cycle are not taking responsibility for their lives, but you only do better if you know better. By the time that individual begins noticing the mental mud he is stuck in, depression envelopes them. Leading to abusing their families and everyone around them.

This is seen in black individuals who were thrown into a life of war during apartheid times at a young age. Today these individuals are adults that have mental scars from that torrid time. Added to that is the fact that they have not received any sort of gratitude or credit for the part they played in making the making the country what it is today.

Being deprived of decent education has had dire consequences for these individuals. Todays workplace requires educated and experienced people, but is not easy for these former war veterans because they only have experience in the war field. But because of their sacrifice, the current crop of black have ample opportunities because they got a proper education after the change of power.

The manner in which things are managed at the top affects those at the bottom of the pile. The preceding authority cared little for people of color hence they never leveled the playing field in society.

The effects of change are being seen and felt in the country through todays generation of blacks. Acquiring assets, making investments is multiplying black people is finances and their lives do not lag behind other races with regards to personal growth. Money gives people liberty to make decisions that improve lives.

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