Reasons Why Marriages Need Couples Counseling Ormond Beach

By Stella Gay

Statistics state that nowadays marriages are supposedly on the decline. 50 percent of first marriages end up in divorce but that has not changed in the past thirty years. Sometimes its healthy for a couple to live apart than in a relationship that is not working. Divorces can be really painful for all the parties involved especially when children are involved. It is good to go for Couples Counseling Ormond Beach before making a major decision that could change lives.

When is the appropriate time for a couple to seek counselling? When there is negativity in communication, it is time for you and your partner to start going for marriage counselling. This means that nonverbal communication is part of the reasons to look for counselling and also the type of communication that hurts either of the partners.

Affairs is one of the reasons couples look for therapy. If either you or your partner has had or is having an affair, it is a wise idea to look for counselling before breaking it off. It is not impossible to go past it but it will definitely need a lot of work and commitment. To salvage your relationship it means that you have to be willing to look past what your partner has done.

When partner start having reasons as to why they should hang to their marriage as much as it is obvious that no one is happy, it is time to look for a therapist to help you find the right path. Parents stick to marriages because of their kids so that they would not be affected but normally, even the children might see that their parents are not happy and it will affect them.

Is counselling helpful? It is helpful very much since it gives you a new look at your relationship and you can best look for alternatives for both you and your partner. It gives you and your partner another opportunity to try and make things work for the better. You get a chance to talk about issues bothering you in a secure environment.

Marriage counselling is supposed to be confidential so you do not have to be afraid that your secrets will be shared with the rest of the world. The marriage counsellor is supposed to protect whatever you and your partner talk about since the promise was that it will be confidential. The only time that the therapist can give out your information is when the safety of either of you is at risk.

What generally happens in a counselling room? Most counselling sessions normally runs for an hour. The counsellor normally starts by asking questions which could be anything to make you feel and at home and also develop a foundation with you and your partner. The counsellor then encourages you to talk about what is troubling you and what is on your mind.

For couples therapy to be termed as successful, it means that the couple has overcome their initial relationship challenges which are no easy task. For a couple to go from not standing the presence of each other to not getting enough of each other is a fete. Marriage counselling helps a couple treat each other with the love and respect that first existed.

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