Do You Want To Comprehend Sugar Addiction Symptoms?

By Hamsa Cremers

Many times people who struggle with overweight or obesity berate themselves for not having the willpower to lose weight. With some of us, it may indeed be a willpower problem. However, and this is important, many people who struggle seemingly forever with their weight have another struggle going on they are probably not even aware of...addiction to sugar! If you are addicted to sugar, it's nearly impossible to lose weight. In fact, you crave the very thing that causes you to gain weight.[]

What is 'addiction' anyway? Addiction is a condition in which an individual has a dysfunctional relationship with a substance. For example, in the case of sugar addiction, sugar may be used to reward and/or relax a person. That is a dysfunctional relationship because reward and relaxation are not the intended purposes of a food item. With an addiction of any kind, the individual is unable to stop the behavior, regardless of consequences, and in fact seeks the target substance out on an ever-increasing basis.

What happens when we consume it? For most people, it sets off a craving for more sugar. This is the law of sugar in action. There are very few of us who haven't felt the urge for more cookies or chocolate, after just having one. I have met a few individuals who don't eat sweets at all and generally these folks fall into three categories. They've either gotten a handle on their sugar consumption and avoid it entirely or they never had an issue with it in the first place. Other people consume alcoholic beverages regularly and get their daily sugar from that source. It makes sense: most recovered alcoholics will tell you they discovered a significant sweet tooth after they got off the alcohol. That's because many alcoholic beverages already contain a high sugar content.

Why should you take sugar addiction seriously? Well, you already know you have a weight problem, right? Addiction to sugar may be at the very core of your problem. Obesity alone should be enough motivation to "lose the sugar habit" but if it's not, how about diabetes? Cardiovascular disease? Possibly cancer? Hyperactivity? Depression? Tooth decay?

Avoid salt foods. They induce sugar cravings.Eat more fruit and vegetables. There are sweet vegetables, too. Buy smart: Read the labels on the foods you buy.Eat whole grains. They contain complex carbohydrates (millet, barley, brown rice).Ice-cream fans: eat only ice-cream that is reach in healthy ingredients and not high flavored, high sugar ice-cream.Don't give up sugar: the only thing you'll get is a powerful crave.High protein breakfast: in the morning eat high protein foods.

This is nice but where to seek help when you discover sugar addiction symptoms in your life? Where to find help?There are different levels of help. Some need just a helping hand from their friends. Others may need treatment in a sugar issues center. You may join an online support group. This may help some people. A new idea is hypnosis. Suggestions and sugar related hypnosis sessions work for a lot of people. Carefully devised exercises that stimulate metabolism offer another, more natural alternative. The will is extremely important. Be determined to win the battle. When there's a will, there's always a way. When things don't go as planned and the sugar addiction symptoms don't go away, don't hesitate to seek professional treatment.

Here's something amazing: even thinking about a sweet food we love can trigger a chemical response in our brains to eat it. Essentially, the chemical response and memory trace which eating sugar creates inside our brains urges us to go back for more. Meanwhile, that false sense of comfort we achieved from eating our sweets keeps us returning to the source over and over again and we form the insidious habit of associating comfort with food.

If sugar is addictive who are the pushers? Stop reading now if you are worried about the answer.It's you, it's your partner, it's the kids, it's the food industry - it's anyone who feeds your sugar habit.Everyone who knows you, who knows that you are overweight or struggling with type 2 diabetes is responsible for helping you to keep away from sugar rather than feed your habit.A drug addict is locked in a room, an alcoholic goes to a clinic, yet a sugar addict cannot avoid their addictive substance. This lack of industry support, lack of societal support is not to be underestimated. It takes a very strong reserve to kick a sugar habit.

Having worked with many people who struggle with severe sugar cravings, I have come across some sure-fire ways of battling sugar addiction.Take every hour one step at a time. Start by giving up sugar today - just today. Focus on tomorrow when it comes.Give up sugar. This sounds harsh but like any other drug, you can't just cut back if you are truly addicted, it's all or nothing. Getting the taste is just a tease and will bring back all those feelings that come with a sugar hit.Ditch white bread. It has a high Gi which means it's quickly broken down and digested. It won't be long before you start getting cravings. Instead go for wholegrains, they are much more satisfying.Beef up protein. Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates so including a little protein in every meal will keep you feeling fuller and cravings at bay.

Just be aware that if you take up the challenge, you'll have to step out of your comfort zone for awhile. For awhile, you'll miss it like an old friend who has moved away, but like anything else, you'll get used to it. And I promise you, once you experience the wonderful clarity of mind and feel the natural energy your body provides without sugar's artificial high, you will never want to go back.

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